Ok, now that I have a @RobSchneider montage playing in my head we can continue to the import stuff; Adulting!
I want to continue with the concept of Universal Truths. As I mentioned in a previous post, these Universal Truths apply to what ever bubble you are struggling within. (If you don't know why I am talking about bubbles, click here, it's a short intro into Struggle Bubbles) I will talk more about Struggle Bubbles later, but I want to dive-in to getting you solutions to problems.
Lets start with the Bonus Truth...Yup that's right Go for the gold!, Dig right to the bottom of the cereal box for the prize, Eat dessert first!
Are you ready?!
You can Have, Do or Be ANYTHING!
Yes, Anything. I know this sounds a bit like an inspirational poster you might find on the wall of your high-school guidance councilor's office. But hear me out on this one.
For those of you who already subscribe to the Law of Attraction, or Power of the Universe, or Worship the Giant Spaghetti Monster in the Sky, or God, or Dog (if you are dyslexic), Allah or Mr. Rogers or have every had the pleasure of that uncomfortable conversation with your high-school guidance councilor, you have been told in some form or fashion, that 'if you can imagine it, you can have it.' Despite the urge to prove Mrs. Gunther wrong, I have actually found truth in this. If you can imagine it... and believe that you can have it, it's yours. It will inevitably take some sweat and often a little blood and tears, but you can have it.
Sometimes despite how much I dream about something I know that my self-doubt gets in the way. I want something, but have managed to convince myself I can't have it, I don't believe it will come true, or worst of all, that I am not worthy. This self -talk is what divides dreams from goals. We often give up on dreams because they lack a sense of realism. Dreams aren't goals. Goals are real, like taking out the trash before you hear the garbage truck rolling down the street. (yay adulting) We have a harder time putting actionable steps to dreams, and an even harder time converting a dream to a goal, especially when we tell ourselves stupid things like, "we're not worthy."
Look, you aren't the first human on this planet. You aren't the first one to get a new job, start an access cable TV show from your basement (Wayne and Garth- way ahead of your time guys!) or want a new car, or to buy a house, or move to a new country, or to earn gazillions of dollars on the internet and buy a jet. You are just as deserving, and capable and worthy as anyone else who has already done all of that. You are equally as capable, worthy and deserving of breathing as the next guy, so what makes you worthy of oxygen, but not any other needs or wants? If you are reading this, you have at least an ounce of "be a better me" inside of you, which in my book, makes you worthy and capable… of anything!
The GYST List isn't all about fru-fru (no idea how to spell that) sound bites and instagram quotes, even though admittedly we do partake. TGL is here to provide real strategies and tools to burst the struggle bubbles so many of us are floating around in. Many of these tools we offer are much more tangible, but we know that nothing can be actionable if we don't have the right mindset. So I wanted to start off this series with a little Insta-Spiration. (Note to self- trademark that!) (TM)
A statistic I picked up from Stephan over at ProjectLifeMastery.com is that only about 10% of you will make it past the first chapter of any self-help book. So, even if you are in the 90% who don't make it very far and if you take nothing else from this, you must first know that You can Have ANYTHING, Be ANYTHING, or Do ANYTHING you want. You just have to want to.